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 Saraden, Warlock Application

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Join date : 2008-12-20

Saraden, Warlock  Application Empty
PostSubject: Saraden, Warlock Application   Saraden, Warlock  Application I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 8:37 pm


1. Character name: Saraden
2. Age: 16
3. Race/Class: Gnome, Warlock
4. Average latency: 60-100ms
5. Average FPS: 30
6. PC Specs(Motherboard, Ram, Graphics card etc): 1GB Ram, i dont my graphics card and what do u mean my motherboeard
7. Armory link and Screenshot of your UI:
Armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shattered+Halls&n=Saraden

UI: I'm not quite sure how to do this if someone would tell me i gladly would post it, if ur looking 4 addons i got DoTimers, DOminos, xpear, DBM, recount, omen


8. What spec do you plan to raid with?
9. Do you know the rotation for your spec?
10. Do you read up strategies and rotations for your class( Like Elitist jerks, tankspot.com etc): Yes, a lot
11. A giant wall of lava is flying toward you and a blue shadow fissure spawns underneath your feet, what do you do?
Get out of the way, move to the hole in the fire wall and kill myself if i die to a void zone
12. Character stats (SP / AP / Crit etc):
Self Buffed
Sp = 1981
Crit =14.8%
Hit = 376
Haste = 431
13. If another class is needed for their buffs and/or DPS are you ok with subbing out for the night for certain fights/raids?
14. New apps generally don't get gear from our 25 mans until they start building DKP, does this bother you?
I'm used to dkp i just wanna be able to raid
15. Are you ok with vulgar language and fooling around?
Completely fine with it
16. Raiding experience:
BC = Kara,ZA,Mag,Grulls,Parts of ssc tk and bt
WOTLK = Everything but havnt down 3D tryed but failed


17. Past guilds and why you left them:
I'm from a different server but i left the guild i was in there to come to this server because it was my first server and many of my friend are on it, but they are in bane mostly and I don't want to join bane

Snake Ize Mafia - They are taking undergeared and unexperianced raiders into 25 mans and most are starting to not pay attension in raids or purposly killing themselves to be handed gear. I don't like were the guild may be heading and I'm getting out before it gets worse.

18. Do you know anyone in Divinus, if so who?

19. Video games are serious business, I mean it. Do you feel the same way or do you take raiding lightly?
Video games arent serrious, wow is different raids and getting gear is serrious but there are also non serrious parts to.

20. What do you offer to our guild and Why should we take you over other applicants?
I already have raiding experiance and don't need to be carried through raids to get gear

21. Post a WWS(WowWebStats) of a raid you were in:
Don't know how that worksif u want my dps i can do 2.8k on a dummy on my own

22. McDonalds, Burger king, Wendy's and Taco Bell are all next to each other and you're starving, which do you drive into?
Taco Bell

23. Are you able to make our raid times? We raid from Mon-Thurs 5-9 ST, and can sometimes go later. We aren't looking for members with a bedtime of 9:05.
Perfect, until Fall but i can adjust then

24. Anything else you would like to share?
A big reaosn I want to join is because you have smart players, who don't do thing like suicide on bosses for free gear and acctually try.
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1350 2's team

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Join date : 2008-10-12
Location : Ohio

Saraden, Warlock  Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saraden, Warlock Application   Saraden, Warlock  Application I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 8:46 pm

Press Printscreen, then go to www.tinypic.com -> Browse -> World of Warcraft -> Screenshots and upload the picture taken. I'm not going to look further until a UI picture is posted.
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Join date : 2008-12-20

Saraden, Warlock  Application Empty
PostSubject: UI pic   Saraden, Warlock  Application I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 8:55 pm

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1350 2's team

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Join date : 2008-10-12
Location : Ohio

Saraden, Warlock  Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saraden, Warlock Application   Saraden, Warlock  Application I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2009 11:58 pm

You use your NUMBER PAD to keybind? wtf?
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Saraden, Warlock  Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saraden, Warlock Application   Saraden, Warlock  Application I_icon_minitime

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