1. Character Name:
Makaylaj2. Class/Race/Professions:
Warrior/Human/JC-SCRIBE3. Main character's Armory:
http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Shattered+Halls&n=Makaylaj4. What kind of raiding experience do you have?
Everything up to Sapphiron.TBC:
Killed everything up to and including Brut prenurf.Wotlk Beta:
No, cause I fail at checking email blizzard sends shit to.5. What spec do you plan on raiding with?
I have only ever raided prot, but will be spec for what I am needed for which i've been told would be dps6. Screen shot of your UI:
atm I am just running the basic wow ui since 3.0.27. Can you make 75% raid attendance?
Yes, I can make 75% attendance easy.8. Previous Guild(s) and why you left:
NUMB and DEVOUR on smolderthorn but came to SH for a break in raiding and to play with a few rl friends as numb was transfering to Mag.9. Do you know anyone in Divinus, if so who?
I have spoken with alot of members but will not put any names up since I did not ask anyone to vouch for me.10. Are you ok with sitting out for another guildie if we need their class over yours for a specific fight?
Yes, I have no problem sitting out so the guild can kill shit.11. Are you ok with occasional vulgar language and/or goofing off in vent? (not during raids tho)
Yes, As long as people can put up with me saying fuck every other word when im in a rant for someone being a fucktard.12. Do you have Ventrilo and a working mic?
Yes, I have vent and a working mic and have no prob using it.13. Any other information you would like to share?
I would like to have a chance to raid on SH and have no time for baddies and shit players that waste my time and it seems most members ive spoken with here feel the same way and that sh needs a guild to get it done and i would like to be a part of it. I am getting tired of playing the fucking auction house.